Friday, 21 November 2008

Popular M&S offer - repeated - offer ends 9th December

We ran a promotion back in October for a free £5 M&S voucher for every £50 order of their vouchers via the BaBeeCard Discount Club and we are delighted to be offering this offer again in the lead up to Christmas (offer ends 9th December).

Use your BaBeeCard to buy £50 worth of vouchers for £47.50 (we give you a 5% discount) and for each order you'll receive another £5 absolutely free.

You OrderYou PayYou RecieveYou Make

I ordered my vouchers back in October and bought a cashmere jumper for my husband for Christmas (hope he doesn't read this blog!) and filled my basket up with their 3 for 2 offers on chocolates goodies for the kids stockings and other bits n' bobs.

Check out their offers section on the website to see what they have in-store.;mnSBrand=core

If you have any change left over from your vouchers,, M&S will load it onto a gift card for you.