Are your car bills making a big dent in the family budget? Petrol is costly, car insurance is expensive, and unexpected repairs can push you into the red.
Here are some simple tips to keep your car bills down:
- Keep your tyres pumped up. This actually makes your car use less petrol every time you use it.
- Check your route for jams before you travel. Avoiding traffic jams saves you fuel.
- To save further, take unnecessary loads out of the car. If you drive round with a boot full of junk you are making your car work harder. Taking the roof rack off unless you are using it helps too.
- For more reductions in petrol use, keep the air-con off unless you really need it.
You can get 5% off petrol from certain supermarkets when using your BaBeeCard.
Use price comparison sites to shop around for car insurance: I saved over £100 this year by doing this. I also saved 40% on my AA breakdown cover.