Saturday 1 March 2008

My fathers wedding

It’s going to be an unusual year this year as my dad got remarried yesterday and my fiancé and I will be setting our wedding date for this year too – I wonder how many fathers’ and daughters get married in the same year?

Just like getting married – to save money with BaBeeCard, it’s all about planning ahead (something I didn’t do) so we turned up at the wedding reception without a gift but a bottle of pink champagne that I bought around the corner in a rip off shop. I have however assured my dad and his new wife that the gift will follow. Had I planned it properly I could have bought the champagne with my card and got between a 10% - 12.5% discount from either Vin Vino Direct, H&H Bancroft, Waitrose Wines Direct or even a Threshers voucher so they could choose it themselves.

So my mission today whilst my father sleeps off his gargantuan hangover is to find a suitable gift on the discount portal.

I’ll let you know what I managed to find once mission is accomplished.


Mairi Rivers said...

Well, I don't know about fathers and daughters but we got married and then four months later my mum got married in the same place! So perhaps not as uncommon as you would think.

Gemma Johnson said...

Mairi, whose food was better? :-)