Thursday 3 April 2008

Anyone else got a banana flavoured laptop?

Working on my laptop reminds me of food which then prompts me to raid the kitchen cupboards as every time I type I can smell banana (thanks to my son who has just started to crawl) he has recently decided that mummy is the best large item to climb on by far, especially when I have the laptop on my knee.

Sending emails is now a game of speed to see just how quickly I can type and finish the email before he has either sat on or clicked the enter key, then off it fires mid sentence or even worse, has gobbledeegook firmly placed between sentences.


Other electronic items in our living room unfortunately don't smell as appealing as my keyboard, the remote control smells of lentil and vegetable bake, but worst of all is our cordless phone, which he just adores and grabs for as soon as it is in his line of vision. Of course, I am entirely to blame for this as I put it on speakerphone whenever my mum calls. It has now become a brilliant game of "how much of it can I get in my mouth" coupled with "I wonder how much puree I can crush into the mouthpiece to make mummy proud".

Oh well, it could be worse I suppose, at least he hasn't learnt how to take his nappy off yet!

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