Tuesday, 7 July 2009

If I didn't laugh - I would cry...

Tears of joy that is as my son will be having a little sister in early November, well that's what the sonographer told me. Don't buy anything pink she said, just in case.....that's like telling a child not to put his hand in the cookie jar when you leave the lid off and at mouth height!

Anyway, have been missing my blogging with so much going on and have been trying to save the general public from any hormonal ramblings I may be tempted to post. I seem to have them in check at the moment hence daring to come on here and share my good, albeit disruptive news.

I have only JUST got my head around a wobbly throwing 2 year old and am now thrown in at the deep end, it's sink or swim baby!

I think I might just make a swim for it.

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