Friday, 24 July 2009

Post retail sex - trip to the sausage counter at the butchers anyone?

According to women feel more in the mood for sex after shopping for themselves, erm, now I don't know about other people but shopping for "myself" these days consists of a bigger bra, maternity clothes, flatter shoes and bio-oil!

Even before I became pregnant again, shopping for myself was occassionally a new dress to shoe-horn my post-baby body into, a pair of high heels that I look nice but I can't actually walk in or some new underwear that is "comfy" rather than sexy. (Oh the joys of motherhood!)

A study of 2062 women between 18-35 shows that 38% of women and more likely to have sex with their partner after a good spree.

"When asked “are you more likely to feel ‘in the mood’ for sex after shopping?” 38% of respondents said ‘yes’."

I wonder what percentage of the 38% had children running amok at home?!

Shopping these days leaves me tired, frustrated and longing to escape the bright lights, assault on my cash flow and disappointment that the mirror trickery in-store doesn't work in the same way as it does at home. The shock of finding out that I am actually 5 foot 5 and slightly larger around the bottom and thighs than the shop mirror led me to believe always leaves me feeling depressed and determined to "get in shape", in fact, those blooming mirrors give me a complex!

The overiding feeling post retail these days is one of "guilt", imagine how many nappies I could have bought with that money......

Ladies, I would LOVE to hear your comments on this research as it really can't be true, can it?

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