Monday 9 June 2008

No wedding list - cash is king

My friend got married last month and wedding lists always cause a problem for me, on one hand I want to buy a gift I had chose from wherever but on the other hand I want to give the happy couple something they actually want rather than something they will either sell on Ebay, recycle, collapse in heaps of laughter or tears of disappointment.

So to my delight, my invitation was read with absolute joy, no wedding list in sight. There was however, a polite and well written note informing us that seeing they already live together and have an 11 month old baby they don't really need anything else but would really appreciate money or John Lewis vouchers, you know where I am going here don't you?

Out comes my stash of vouchers and in pops the JL vouchers into the wedding card. For some bizarre reason I was absolutely chuffed with myself, having been organised enough to have some at the ready. (For those of you who know me well, I am as scatty as they come).

So BaBeeCard to the rescue once again. Not only did they get something they wanted, I gave something I had (and at a discount I hasten to add) and I also suprised myself at how organised I am becoming. Now whether that's down to BaBeeCard or due to having my son is still open for debate.

What can I say? BaBeeCard you are my trusted friend, there to save me money on groceries so I can buy more chocolate and there for me at weddings when I don't know what to buy.

I am now sitting eagerly awaiting my chirpy village postman to deliver me Junes supply of vouchers. I desperately want to go out to the shops but this time I am being strict - no vouchers, no shopping!

Last month I let my partner loose to buy groceries, I totalled up all the receipts and almost fell of my chair. Mummy does the shopping from now on!

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