Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Do you brush your teeth before 12pm?

Running a business and looking after a baby are full-time jobs in themselves, which is why my days seem to fly by, before I know it the cupboards are empty again and it's time to go grocery shopping. (Bah humbug!)

I read somewhere recently in a survey that some mothers don't brush their teeth until around 12pm each day due to the crazy demands on their time. Well, I wouldn't like to agree that that is true in my case (I may get myself an unwanted nickname) but I would agree that time just seems to slip through your fingers from the moment you wake up (or baby wakes you) until you crawl up the stairs praying for a full nights sleep.

It's common knowledge that I tend to over complicate things in my mind but the truth is even a simple trip to the supermarket becomes a serious mission to not only get myself and my son ready but to also keep a lid on my bubbling temper. (Trolly rage).

I live in a little hamlet of 8 houses, which requires me to get us both ready (making sure he has been fed and changed before so we don't get caught short) then bend at an unnatural angle to get him into his car seat via a 3 door car! one leg in, back bent and one leg out (oh the hockey cokey), I then have to hold my keys between clenched teeth as my son arches his back to reach them making it almost impossible to lock him into his seat. I usually bang my head as I try and climb backwards out of the car.

A 6 mile drive lays ahead to the nearest supermarket and then when the joys of supermarket shopping with an 8 month old baby who likes to try and grab all and sundry fromt he shelves is over we then have to repeat the entire hockey cokey process backwards to get home.

To say I dread the weekly supermarket run is an understatement!

Last night my life changed, something as simple as using my Waitrose vouchers online to pay at and have the shopping delivered to my door has left me with a big, fat smile on my face and has freed up some valuable time to do something else, like steam the bottles, get dinner on, clean the house, iron the shirts, do the laundry etc (demands on a modern day woman!)

I ordered my shopping last night and the goods arrived about 30 mins ago, so I got an 8% discount on the vouchers, Ocado delivered to my door, they gave me a voucher code for a free bottle of wine with my next order and, get this, they colour coded my shopping bags :-) so I don't have to hunt through the bags to put the items away.


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